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Curriculum Vitae

Anton Vinogradov



Live in Saint Petersburg, Russia. I am interested in contemporary landscapes, image of solitude, historical and personal memory, also in artistic production as well as institutional critique. I work with photographs and text, photo-books and installations.




2008-2014 Baltic State Technical University «Voenmeh» named after D.F. Ustinov, engineer
2014-2015 FotoDepartament: "Open relations", curator Alina Belishkina
2015-2016 FotoDepartament: "Between photojournalism and contemporary art", curator Jana Romanova
2018-2019 - School Involvement Art “Chto delat'”



2019 - «THE 12TH TIME ZONE», BOZAR/Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels
2019 - Festival «To Stage PerForma», Kamennoostrovsky Theater, Saint Petersburg
2018 - «Unreached», Agile gallery, Saint Petersburg

2018 - “Art Prospekt” public art festival, Saint Petersburg

2018 - “Boa that swallowed an elephant”, 25Kadr Gallery within the framework of the Parallel Program 6. Moscow International Biennale For Young Art, Moscow
2018 - “Prostranstvovaniye”, QuartaRiata Residency of Arts & Technology, Saint Petersburg
2018 - «Self Publish Riga 2018», ISSP Gallery, Riga
2018 - “Photobookfest 2018”, The Lumiere Brothers Center for Photography, Moscow
2018 - "Reverse Perspective" at the festival "Art-subject", Vladimir
2018 - “Hi_Stories of Now”, The Governor's House, with the support of the Voronezh Center Contemporary Art, Voronezh
2015 - “Young Photographers- 2015“, Pushchino, Moscow
2014 - "In Memory of Alexander Efremov", Art Museum, Tyumen

© 2014 Anton Vinogradov,  all rights reserved.

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